23/24 – Gauri Gill
Gauri Gill Acts of Appearance Photopaper 23|24
Gauri Gill Acts of Appearance Photopaper 23|24
Valeria Cherchi Some of you killed Louisa Photopaper 22
Hannah Modigh Photopaper 21
Jerome Ming Oobanken Photopaper 20
Sonja Hamad »Jin – Jiyan – Azadi« Women, Life, Freedom Photopaper 19
Ann Massal The Eye of the Cyclops Photopaper 18
Paddy Summerfield Remember Hope Photopaper 17
Jan Stenmark Welcome to Stenmarkland Photopaper 16
John Gossage Exactly The Way It Was Seattle, Washington, 1979 Photopaper 14|15
Carmen Winand — women: pleasure/pain Photopaper 13